Sunday, May 6, 2012

Family Systems Theory

This week we talked about different theories that pertain to the family. The one that I believe makes the most sense is the Family Systems Theory. It is a complex theory, but at the same time basic. I can't tell you everything about it because I'm not an expert, but I would encourage you to do some research on it. It is very interesting!
 I love the idea that the family is made up of individuals the each have different roles to play, but combined, they make something greater...the family. With this thought in mind, it is fun to look at different families and see who plays what role. Who is the peacemaker? The outgoing one? The calm one?
Along, with this theory comes the idea of family rules. Many rules are unspoken, but all family members know them. In my family, it is expected that when a parent calls for you, you go to them. On the flip side, if you need a parent, you have to go find them and not call out or them. Do you have any unspoken rules in your family?

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