Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Know What You're Reading

This week I learned how important it is to really know how to analyze research.

We have been talking about a subject that is often very sensitive- homosexuality. I know this is a sensitive subject and I don't mean to offend anyone with any of my statements. For homework, we read a few articles on how the research has been portrayed as supporting the idea that homosexuality is biological when the research really doesn't conclude that at all. When the scientists of the study were asked if the conclusion that it was biological was correct, they even denied it.

This showed me that the media definitely doesn't always show the truth. We need to be wise and do in-depth research ourselves. We need to read up on the research and see if it is reliable. Then, after we have collected this data, we can form our standing on subjects.

On a (not far-off) side note, my friend posted this link to her Facebook. I encourage you all to read it!

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