Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Family Crisis

I think it is easy to see that just about every family, at one point or another, faces a crisis (or maybe more than one). What is the difference between a family that falls apart during a crisis and one that grows closer? I believe that the difference is the way members of the family and the family as a whole react.

One reaction I have noticed occurs often is a change in communication. Either a family communicates better or their communication worsens. If a family wants to grow closer, communication is key. Especially when going through a crisis! It is so important to have family members that you can turn to to help you get through the bad and to see that good can come. It is always nice to know that someone is there for you. Someone wants the best for you. In order to know that someone feels this way towards you, they must communicate it is some way. Through speech, touch, body language. It is important (in some way) to know that someone cares.

I challenge you (and myself) to look at trials as a blessing. Look for ways that you and your family can grow from the hardships you face. I promise that as we do this, our families will grow closer and our happiness will increase.

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