Monday, July 9, 2012


Well, this weeks topic is a little interesting and possibly awkward to some. It was on sexuality (just like the blog post title says). I'm not much of a fan of talking about this in a public place, but I'm not too uncomfortable with it.

One thing that really stuck out to me was that Satan really knows what he is doing. Sexually intimacy can bring us closer to God in a way that other things can't. Through sexual intimacy, we have the power to create...just as our Heavenly Father does. I believe that this is one of the reasons why Satan attacks this area so strongly. He knows the sacredness of this act and he will do anything to lead us to think less of it. He will tempt some to believe that it is okay to participate in sexual intercourse with anyone. Others, he may lead to believe that sex is a bad thing even when you are married. He will do anything to get us to misuse to power of procreating.

I urge everyone to be aware of the attack that Satan is making. Help other to see the importance of sexual intimacy and help them understand what it really is all about. We should teach our children (as well as others around us) that these are beautiful powers when used in the right way.

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