Friday, July 13, 2012


This could possibly be my all-time favorite topic! I have taken two parenting classes here at school and have loved both of them. I’ve even thought about changing my career goals to work with parents. We will see :)

One of the most important and basic principles that I feel parents need to understand is that they are there to help guide and teach the child- not force them to become a certain way. I think that many times, parents believe they have complete rule over their children. It is important that parents don’t forget that their children have agency. They have the ability to choose. We need to respect that gift that Heavenly Father has given them. It’s also important to remember that they were Heavenly Father’s children long before they became ours.

Speaking of Heavenly Father, He is the perfect parent. If we are concerned about if our principles and practices are right, look to Heavenly Father and see if it falls in line with His teachings. Ask Him if what you are doing is right. Let Him guide you! With Him, you cannot fail. 

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